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Hi Everybody!

We know how incredibly busy the life of a master student can be and you sometimes forget to enjoy yourself. We organize activities for the Human Movement Sciences Master students, Premaster students and last-year Bachelor students. Our goal is for you to socialize with fellow students and make new contacts and friends!

But the million dollar question: Who are we? We are the CoMa, not (read: also) because we drink too much, but mostly because it is short for the Committee of Masters. We are the (g)old and forgotten generation of the V.I.B. and we just can’t let it go. As Juniordocent Abe once said (2 hours ago) you can get out of the V.I.B. but can’t get the V.I.B. out of you. Beautifully spoken. 

We will start off with our ¡one and only! SpoCo, Meije Duijf! She is so good in what she does, so we decided to bring the number of Spoco’s down from 3 to 1! 1 Clap for Roekoe, 3..2..1.. CLAP. This is where it gets interesting… because I don’t really know myself how they split the functions between the two: Guylaine Arendse and Daan Quack our Notulist and PromoCo! Where Daan is excellent at making us read the transcripts and putting us in the hospital with a stroke from too many colors, Guylaine is like the never-ending podcast. While we might occasionally need to hit ‘pause’ to take a breath, we secretly know it’s good for us. After all, all these thoughts in her head transfer beautifully onto the promotion material! We get to the most important function of them all, the treasurer! Willem van Asselt! And what a treasurer he is, who willem nou not?! Hopefully he makes us lose a bit of money! Last but not least, his dream finally came true, Meije’s Chair! Finally! His (my) name is Glenn Rosenquist and I suffered a lot when I did not become the chair of my committees (and Meije) in the past, but this is my time to shine!

We hope to see you soon at one of our activities! If you have any questions, ideas, comments or suggestions, please let us know via mastercommissie@vereniginginbeweging.com or text somebody who keeps sending those promotion in the Master Whatsapp group. 

Big dark blue hugs and kisses from us!
The CoMA


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